Thursday, October 16, 2003

Welcome to the Blogs of Rock the Vote.


Blogger GeriatricGrayMatterSavvy:-) said...

I am 60 years of age and a registered Democrat. I however have voted across the board for who I felt was the best candidate of that time. I can honestly say I have NEVER felt more positive and excited about an election as this one. I feel that change IS coming for the good of all through Barack Obama! He exudes a feeling of trust that I have not had in a long time. I am disabled and poor. Times are the hardest I have ever been through as my hands are tied when it comes to my future with the way things are handled now. I pray that all people will be able to have a home to live in and the funds to pay for it. I hope that there will be a way to receive help from disability but ways to make a little money and help ourselves without loosing Medical Insurance. Right now people like me are damned if you do and damned if you don't. The eldest of this country have the most wisdom through experience. I am wise enough to say that our young people of today have wisdom beyond their years in this election and I am proud of each and ever one of them. I believe they will be the Voters who pull us out of the MUCK we have sank into over the last couple of decades.For every unregistered voter I say. Please Please vote in this historical election. We MUST cross the remaining barriers of age,race,and sex NOW.With this election I believe we will move forward in all areas, but especially in alternative fuels,health care and Equal rights for all.It is ironic to me that the same suggestions for alternative fuels were spoken about in the 70s but still, not much has changed. I was an avid reader of the magazine Mother Earth at that time because it made so much sense.The situation with health care is totally unexceptionable.My son is 34 and has liver failure. He is uninsured and untreated. He works in spite of feeling sick every day...what a shame his life will be shortened by lack of care by politicians who "Don't Get It" The employer avoids insurance coverage by hiring "TEMPORARY".He has remained as temporary even tho he has been employed for two years now.I don't believe employers should have to hide behind this shield because of the costs of insurance. So, to all the young who will inherit the decisions made in this election, GET OUT AND ROCK THE VOTE. And for all the older generation, show that old dogs can be taught new tricks and embrace the wonderful change to come. God Bless you Barack Obama and Gods speed when you become The next President of the greatest place on earth!!!! We love you!

10:03 AM  

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