Tuesday, January 13, 2004

New Jersey same sex couples get some basic legal rights

Excerpt from the article follows:

With the stroke of a pen at 1:29 p.m. McGreevey said, "It's now law. Thank you, everyone. It's a great victory."

The law, which also applies to unmarried heterosexual couples age 62 and older, takes effect in six months.

It gives registered couples a raft of rights that married couples currently enjoy, including an inheritance tax exemption, the right to make critical medical decisions for an incapacitated partner, hospital visitation rights and a state income tax deduction for dependents.

Registered partners of state employees will be eligible for health insurance coverage. Private employers are not obligated to extend health coverage to an employee's partner but all insurance companies must make such coverage available to employers who wish to make it part of their employee benefits package.

"This legislation is a matter of fundamental decency," McGreevey said moments before signing the bill. "Today, New Jersey takes a strong step toward equality and decency. The promise of an open, fair and honest society exists for all New Jerseyans."


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