Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Go ahead, don't vote

Tucker Carlson, a conservative CNN pundit, today on a live chat with Washington Post.com:

Takoma Park, Md.: How much of an impact will young people likely have on
this election, in your opinion?

I can't help but think Dean's appeal to young people backfired, and "scared
away" older voters.

Tucker Carlson: The percentage of young people who vote has declined
steadily since 1972. I don't think it'll change much this year. Which is
fine with me. I'm just as happy to let people who read a daily newspaper
choose my government.

You know, that's an opinion we hear from time to time.

For example, the 25 year old Yale graduate who made the "VOTING IS FOR OLD PEOPLE" T-shirt said that anyone who would "take instruction" from a t-shirt shouldn't vote anyway.

I think its just nonsense that the average young person is not "informed" enough to participate in choosing the elected officials that govern their lives.

By that standard, we should just reinstitute poll taxes and tests.


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