Friday, April 23, 2004

Wack-ass article in has an article that criticizes Rock the Vote. Another lesson in how to attack Rock the Vote for fun and profit! Sigh.

The author obviously misunderstands the role of Rock the Vote and similar efforts. That's why we end up with criticism instead of praise.

One of our great strengths is media. We all know that a voter registration and turnout campaign needs both media and grassroots. Its great to see the ADDITION of traditional voter contact programs. They have been missing for too long.

Media accomplishes a lot more than the author, and apparently some individuals quoted in the story, presuming their quotes are not taken out of context, seems to understand.

At Rock the Vote, with our partners, we've driven more than 240,000 people through our voter registration tool since last July. That's based on the strength of our media identity.

I'm going to invite the skeptics and the experts, whose work I admire and agree with as much as anyone else, to come to my office and watch young person number 999,999 go through our voter registration tool. Some of the analysis they are going to do about the effectiveness of turnout efforts is going to come from our list! We're chomping at the bit to work with our partners to turn those people out.

The appeal of Rock the Vote is organic and undeniably relevant at the grassroots level, too. Many of our partners use our identity to enhance their efforts. That's why lending our name is a key part of our strategy. We sustain that appeal through our media campaigns--and celebrity involvement.

In addition to Rock the Vote's own turnout initiatives, we look forward to working with our terrific GOTV partner organizations to provide them as much support as we can!

Its worth noting, by the way, that the reporter credited Howard Dean with the surge in young voter turnout at the polls in Iowa---based on his media and internet success. Apparently those methods only work when you support the person using them?


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