Friday, July 09, 2004

NAACP Convention: Rock the Vote Bus Yes; President Bush No

President Bush declined to attend the annual National Assosiation for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Convention for the fourth consecutive year. Convention spokesman John White issued this response, "With the exception of (Herbert) Hoover and Calvin Coolidge, every president since Warren Harding has met with the convention."

Well, he's going to miss us there! The Rock the Vote Bus Tour will be stopping in Philadelphia for the convention to continue to register new voters and spread the word. Aside from the Rock the Vote Bus, Sen. John Kerry will be speaking along with the (now controversial) Bill Cosby. Convention organizers expect 8,000 attendees. The convention's central focus will be on voter education and registration to increase the African American vote. Meanwhile strategy sessions will be held to prevent a repeat of the purged voter rolls in Florida during the 2000 election. The convention begins tommorrow in Philadelphia. Go to the NAACP's Convention page to learn more.


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