Thursday, April 21, 2005

Rock the Vote U sucK

They never called us. But The Sun, a tabloid paper in the UK, has shamelessly ripped us off. They have launched "Rock the Vote UK." Normally, with an appropriate agreement between us, we'd be for it. But the way they're going about it.... makes me feel like I need to take a shower.

They just grabbed our logo from our site---including our trademark, I would add!, and slapped a "UK" on there... used the faces of celebs that have endorsed our campaign as though they were backing theirs...

When you land on the main election coverage page, you see a big promotion for "Trevor Kavanagh" which the paper seems to think is their version of Ron Brownstein or something... he wrote the original post on their campaign so I'm going to assume he's the guy. Trevor, you're no Ron Brownstein! More like a Jeff Gannon.

There's an election in the UK on May 5. We hope all the young people turn out and vote. But if you're from the UK and you're on our website wondering our voter registration tool isn't working for you... send an email to and complain!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell the Euro's to mind their own business...

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


As the name states, living the american dream through lawsuits. Free money for everyone!!!!!!!!

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

americandream truly has no concept of how corporations work. Heres a hint for you: Corporations DO NOT pay taxes... you do, individual workers and clients/customers. You pay for those taxes through lower wages, less jobs and higher prices. As much as you hate it, corporations are in business for one reason: to make money. Get over it and learn to live in the world of capitalism.

As for this topic, I hope RTV got an international TM because the rules change in Europe, and don't expect European courts to play nice with you. It doesn't matter how much you hate Bush, you're still American to them and it'll make any legal battle in the EU difficult.

2:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Todd - bravo, I'm glad to see someone wasn't skipping school with the "cool kids" during economic class in HS.

americandream - the concept of corporations paying taxes is another aspect of class warfare and one played well by many politicians. Please go talk to a few business owners and ask them how they pay for corporate taxes... I'll give you a hint, its called overhead.

As for the hating Bush remark, it wasn't directed towards anyone saying negative comments towards privatizing SS. In fact lets reread the post and hopefully you'll use some of your comprehensive reading skills this time around:

"As for this topic, I hope RTV got an international TM because the rules change in Europe, and don't expect European courts to play nice with you. It doesn't matter how much you hate Bush, you're still American to them and it'll make any legal battle in the EU difficult."

Not a single word about SS in that statement. now lets examine the facts:

1) RTV is being ripped off by a European company, therefore their trademark must be protected and will most likely be fought in a european court.

2) RTV has made it clear that they don't like our current President.

Now, pointing out that RTV and many European's shared hatred for our President will not win them any brownie points in court is crossing the line into opinion, so you can lambaste me for that.

11:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sun is a tabloid. They do not care and they have lawyers that let them do that.

4:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if there using it for a positive thing why would you care if they use your logo. The more informed people are about the issue the better right ?!

1:53 AM  
Blogger David said...

Maybe this serves you some of your own medicine for being against property rights via your "I Heart Social Security" campaign.

2:52 PM  

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