Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Happily Ever After: 'The Man' and Student

The Committee for Economic Development (a group of business execs and some academics) has issued a report that says we need to do more to support affordability and access in higher education.

“Without improvements to our educational system, we [the U.S.] are in danger of losing our preeminent position to nations with better academically prepared youth, whose rapidly increasing rates of college participation and graduation already outpace our own,” states a new report by the Committee for Economic Development (CED).

A good summary of the report can be found at online at Higher Education Weekly.

So, if we just had some faith based intitutions behind us we could have a good old fashion marriage of convenience between the Man and young people. Remains to be seen if the wierd inlaws in Congress will show up for the big event.


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