Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rock the Caucus

“Rock the Caucus” Launches to Mobilize Young Iowans to 2008 Caucuses

Exciting news! Today, Rock the Vote announced Rock the Caucus, our joint, nonpartisan Iowa program with Secretary of State Michael A. Mauro and Iowa PIRG’s New Voters Project.

In high schools and colleges across the state, we'll recruit students to pledge to caucus in January and to bring their friends along, too. We'll combine old-fashioned shoe leather organizing with online buzz to drive young Iowans to the poll in droves.

Check out the Rock the Caucus website: here, you can pledge to caucus, recruit your friends to pledge, join a RTV Street Team, and download toolkits for students and teachers. Let's Rock the Caucus in 2008!

From RTV's news release:
“'Across the nation, young voters turned out in large numbers in the 2004 and 2006 general elections – the first step to continuing that momentum in 2008 is mobilizing young voters in Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucus," said RTV Executive Director Heather Smith. “We’re thrilled to work with Iowa Secretary of State Michael A. Mauro and Iowa PIRG to tap the voting power of young adults in Iowa and continue the recent trend of growing young voter participation.'

"Young Iowans, according to recent polling, appear to be up for grabs among the leading contenders on both sides of the aisle: young Democrats are most supportive of Hillary Clinton (40%), Barack Obama (23%), and John Edwards (15%), and young Republicans are most supportive of Mitt Romney (22%) and Fred Thompson (24%), followed by Rudy Giuliani (9%), John McCain (9%), and Mike Huckabee (9%). (Rasmussen Poll, Oct. 2007) Given the fluidity of voter choice among the Iowa electorate, all candidates have ample opportunity to court young voters as the caucus nears.

“'Young people will vote if they are asked to,' said Sujatha Jahagirdar, Iowa PIRG New Voters Project Program Director. 'It’s up to the candidates to sit up, take notice, and reach out to young voters.'

"Polling from Rock the Vote finds young adults are engaged in the 2008 elections, but need to hear from candidates on top issues, including education and college affordability, jobs and the economy, health care, and Iraq. 'Young voters need to hear real answers and concrete plans this election. By hitting the pavement in Iowa, we’ll ensure that this demand is heard loudly and clearly at Caucus time,' concluded Jahagirdar."

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