Monday, January 07, 2008

NH: 26 Hours Until the Polls Open

With just hours left until the polls open in New Hampshire, Rock the Vote is on the ground and making it happen! See our latest news advisory below for more information - and if you're a New Hampshire voter, make sure to RSVP to vote on our Facebook event page!

Rock the Vote On the Ground in New Hampshire
Facebook, Student Outreach, Online Ads Part of Campaign to Continue Momentum & Increase Youth Turnout

**Media Spokespeople Available for Interview**

Contact: Kat Barr, Rock the Vote, 202-236-4865, kat (at)

Jan. 7, 2008, Manchester, N.H. – Young voters made history in Iowa last week with record turnout to the caucuses. Defying all expectations, 17-29 year olds tripled their numbers at the caucuses, propelled the winners to victory, and made the country sit up and take notice.

Now it’s New Hampshire's turn, and Rock the Vote and young volunteers in New Hampshire are working on the ground and online to make sure the momentum continues. The trend has already begun in New Hampshire: in the 2004 New Hampshire primary, 31,000 18-29 year olds voted, up significantly from 20,000 votes cast by 18-29 year olds in the 2000 primary.

Nationwide, turnout of 18-29 year olds went up in both the 2004 and 2006 general elections. With unprecedented turnout in Iowa and the energy on the ground in New Hampshire, 2008 is shaping up to be the third consecutive election in a row with increased young voter turnout.

What We’re Doing: Outreach on Facebook, flyering at the Dartmouth College campus, ads online and in student newspapers, radio DJ reminders to vote, and toolkits for high school teachers and principals to get their students out to vote.

Our Goal: We’re seeing an unprecedented amount of energy and action from young adults this election. In New Hampshire, we’ll increase young voter turnout again, and keep building momentum to a historic 2008 election.

We saw in Iowa that when candidates court young adults, they vote in powerful numbers and can be the winning edge in an election. The youth vote is the group to watch in New Hampshire – and throughout 2008.

Media: Rock the Vote’s media spokespeople on the ground in New Hampshire will be tracking young voter turnout and mobilization activities, and will be available for comment the day of and days following the primary. Contact Kat Barr at 202-236-4865 for interviews and with questions.

For more on Rock the Vote and young voters’ recent historic turnout in Iowa, see Check our site frequently for updates from the field and the latest news of young voter turnout in New Hampshire!

Rock the Vote Media Contact: Kat Barr, 202-236-4865 or kat (at)


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