Friday, October 03, 2008

Registering in Cleveland: Part II

DSC_0025_2, originally uploaded by Rock the Vote 2008.

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

Young voters registered yesterday - 41,763
Miles travelled today - 8

11:33 am — We are in Cleveland today. This is my second ever visit to Cleveland. The first being last week. I have thus gathered the following facts about the city: 1) there is a Hard Rock Cafe that is willing to play the debates for exhausted and cranky Rock the Vote staffers 2) The Rock and Roll hall of fame is here somewhere, and 3) in parts of the city there are schools with metal detectors in the doorways and police in the halls.

I have only a single picture of the imposing exterior of John Marshall High School. The school was clearly designed to fend off viking raiders and it rises from its basic suburban surroundings like a citadel from the plains. But for the heavy police presence and metal detectors at every entrance, the school was a straightforward stop packed with the students who were eager to have us. I did not get a chance to explore, but I assume the school had arrow slits on the upper floors and vats of boiling tar on the roof.

4:12 pm — Let us be clear, lest some further misunderstanding occur: you can register and learn where to vote at The information you find there will be accurate, up-to-date, and any forms printed will work. I mention this because we encountered a very insistent woman in downtown Columbus who was there, in principle, to register voters. In practice, her enthusiasm outshone her knowledge.

“Rock the Vote is using the wrong forms!” she hollered for anyone listening. “They’re xerox copies! Don’t register with them!”

For the record: a xerox copy of the correct form is also the correct form. Also for the record: we were not using xeroxed forms.

“Honestly, we are doing the same thing you are,” Mary, our production manager, assured her. But to no avail. She screamed threats and slander until we finally persuaded her to wander off to some other part of the city, where she is no doubt ranting still.

Tonight we are to hover outside a New Kids On The Block concert advertising the upcoming deadline and encouraging the people here on to the polls.

--Nick Brown


Blogger alan the mad blogger said...

hey Julia-
I like the picture you have on here for your blog. Can I use it in a section of my free online magazine for pictures? Im taking pictures taken by people and just plastering them for distribution, of course you will be given credit. You should think of submitting to me as a journalist. I could use the content. Since you seem to like politics, I can surely use a political commentator. I can be reached by contact on the website, think about and get back to me.
Alan Ingram

3:24 PM  
Blogger IrelandD said...

Why bother voting? The last time I voted was when Clinton won. I had just finished up and was walking out the building. I looked at the long line with twenty plus people waiting their turns. Then it is announced Clinton won. Hmm.. I definitely know that the people in line haven't voted yet. And I am sure that they have not even had the chance to count all the votes. My voice, those standing in the line, and those who yet showed up was not heard. Spare me on the rock the vote. I believe that as long as the electorial votes are used, whoever can put the most people in those states to vote for them are always going to win. So spare me and the others who agree with me on how my little ol vote counts. It has been proven it does NOT.

3:49 PM  

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