Friday, February 27, 2009

Vote Tuesday in Los Angeles

Seems like the 2008 elections just happened - but 2009 contests are right around the corner, with more than 600 mayoral races in cities across the country and two huge gubernatorial contests in Virginia and New Jersey.

And for our readers in Los Angeles, it's time to get to the polls next week!

On Tuesday, March 3rd, voters in Los Angeles will go to the polls citywide. Will you get out and vote?

What’s on the ballot? Just about every city office, that’s what - mayor, city council, board of education, community college board, etc. – plus ballot measures on solar energy, economic development, and more. Vote Tuesday and you’ll help decide who runs L.A. schools and community colleges, community safety programs, health care, housing and jobs programs, social services, and more.

Make sure you have a say in how your city is run - get out and vote on Tuesday, March 3rd. Polls citywide open at 7:00AM and close at 8:00PM.

Need more info?
Your vote makes a huge difference in city elections, where contests often come down to just a few dozen votes – or less. Make sure elected officials are hearing from you – get out and vote on Tuesday!

Questions? Call the Los Angeles City Clerk’s office at (213) 978-0444 or (888) 873-1000, or visit their website.



Blogger Nicole Garton said...

Thanks for the reminder!

11:09 PM  

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