Thursday, February 19, 2009

What You Need to Know: 02.19.09

Obama Hoping to Reinforce U.S. Trade Relationship With Canada
"President Barack Obama will leave today for Canada -- his first foreign trip as president -- where he is expected to discuss trade and the environment with Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

A top Obama aide said this week that the president's main message to Harper will be to reassure Canadians that the United States intends to maintain a robust trading relationship with its neighbor."

Kansas Governor Seen as Top Choice in Health Post
"Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, an early Obama ally with a record of working across party lines, is emerging as the president’s top choice for secretary of health and human services, advisers said Wednesday.

Should she be nominated, Ms. Sebelius would bring eight years of experience as her state’s insurance commissioner as well as six years as a governor running a state Medicaid program."

Burris feels more heat as questions swirl
"Sen. Roland Burris is pleading with ordinary Illinoisans to stop a "rush to judgment" amid growing fury over the new senator's shifting accounts of how he came to be appointed to the Senate.

"If I had done the things I've been accused of, I would be too embarrassed to stand up here in front of you because you all are my friends," Burris said Wednesday at a City Club of Chicago luncheon, adding that during his decades of public service there was "never a hint of a scandal."

Burris has announced he will no longer speak with the media, even as a preliminary Senate Ethics Committee inquiry gets under way, Illinois lawmakers ask local prosecutors to look into perjury charges and calls for his resignation grow, even from his own party."

Budget Clears Legislature in California After Scathing Battle
"After five days of intense, nearly nonstop negotiations over how to close a $41 billion gap, California state senators early Thursday morning agreed on a budget that raises taxes, cuts deeply into services and borrows far into the future, leaving nearly every person in the state scathed in some way."



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