Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Take Action on the GIVE Act

Our country's going through crazy hard times right now. Because of that, you've heard from us about how the government is taking action: to fix the economy, create jobs, and invest in renewable energy, higher education, and health care. But, there's still work to be done if we're going to get out of this mess. And we've got to pitch in.

Millions of young people are already investing in their communities, from volunteering in soup kitchens to tutoring kids in local schools. And this week, the President and Congress are taking action to make it easier for those of you interested in giving back and to bring millions more into the volunteerism fold.

Tomorrow, Congress will vote on the GIVE Act, the boldest service legislation in 70 years. Can you contact your member of Congress and urge him or her to vote for the bill?

What's in the bill? The plan will expand national and community service opportunities nationwide and help young people pay for school and get training for future jobs. The GIVE Act will:
  • Expand AmeriCorps from 75,000 to 250,000 annual slots;
  • Establish a Summer of Service program that enables middle and high school students to participate in volunteer activities and earn a $500 education award for college;
  • Establish four new service corps to address key needs in low income communities, including a Clean Energy Corp to encourage energy effeciency and conservation measures, an Education Corp to help increase student engagement, achievement, and graduation rates, a Heathly Futures Corp to improve health care access, and a Veterans Service Corp to enhance services for veterans.
  • Create more service and service-learning for students, new opportunities for older Americans to serve, and more.
Want to know all the details? Check out the bill and then call your Representative to express your support.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on it! I am all about the Summer of Service program. It would be a really good incentive for the youth to be scholarly.

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im glad people are starting to help each other out. finally.. it just sucks that its got to take an economic crisis for people to help out each other.. what about the intercity ghettos? why was nobody helping out over there?

8:35 PM  

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