Friday, November 14, 2003

Macs vs. PC's
So, you might have seen some news about how, during the Rock the Vote / CNN candidates forum, a young woman named Alexandra Trustman asked a question about "Macs vs. PC's" that a CNN producer apparently urged on her.

No doubt, this blows. We have been assured by CNN that nothing similar happened with any of the other questions.

Alexandra apparently has had a rough go of it back at Brown University, where she has been pilloried for asking what was obviously a flop of a question.

At the end of the day, though, let's remember that the forum had a lot of very sharp, very incisive questions on key issues: Civil liberties in the post 9/11 era. Civil unions for gays. Jobs and education. Occupying Iraq. Funding for Americorps. Sex education in the schools. On the whole, the event was a smash success.

You can read the transcript of America Rocks the Vote here:

America Rocks the Vote transcript


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