Wednesday, December 10, 2003

And we WIN!

About a month and a half ago, I received an email asking for submissions of essays from our web hosting company, to pick the best use of the website. So I set out on a quest to win an essay contest explaining why Rock the Vote's website benefitted so much from our web host, and deserves to win the $5000 prize for being the best of the best (I love that movie with Eric Roberts btw).

After an hour of compiling data and ideas over the weekend, I began putting the amorphous mass of information on paper. I submitted what I thought to be a quintessential piece of essay contest work. A month later, or last week, I received a call from Sharon over at the company.

Sharon: "Hey, guess what...we picked you as the best charity website!".
(and yes, Rock the Vote is a charity...501-C3, tax-exempt...bring the donations in! it's a charitable contribution and tax write-off!)

Daniel: "Awesome!"

I didn't quite know how to articulate my enthusiasm, but with that single word, "Awesome!". Nevertheless, the company sent out a press release, and there we were, recipients of the $5000 cash prize, for an essay contest! I feel like I'm back in junior high school again on the podium for winning the best essay for my report on "Dances With Wolves". (Another great film with Kevin Costner!)

So the moral of the story is, take the initiative and make things happen for you in your life, in the world. First and foremost, register to vote and vote. Then the rest will come a little easier.



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