Thursday, December 04, 2003

Health care system is going to get worse for young people

Young people have the worst health insurance coverage of any age group. About one-third of all young people don't have health insurance. Mostly that's because we work in jobs that pay less and offer benefits less frequently, and we can't afford premiums on our own. See studies about this from the Center for Economic and Policy Research and also the Commonwealth Fund.

Well, now things are going to get worse. A new article points out that "The new law President Bush will sign Monday holds big changes for younger workers that could prompt employers to pass on higher health-care costs and move the country away from work-based health coverage to a system that has you fending for yourself."

Young people already have to fend for themselves more than other generations--and that is why our health care coverage rates are so damn poor!

The whole point of insurance is that you should NOT have to fend for yourself.

Thank you Mr. President. Thank you Congress.

This is bad news.


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