Tuesday, December 16, 2003

A new no-nukes agenda

One of they key reasons that the U.S. went after Saddam Hussein was in order to prevent him from getting Tha Bomb.

Okay, so, it now appears that he never had one---our ongoing efforts at that time to stymie his weapons program were working. Nevertheless, the essential idea that a bloody dictator like Hussein---and there are many other Husseins around the world---should not be allowed to get Tha Bomb was on point.

If you think the Iraq war was justified or unjustified, we think you would have to agree that, going forward, it is in our interest, and the world's interest, to prevent Hussein-like regimes him from getting nukes.

Now, there are lots of ways to do that, and putting all the pieces together is a real agenda for the future---an agenda that will require U.S. leadership and global cooperation. Call it the new no-nukes movement.

The goal is to prevent the spread of weapons, and for the U.S. to rally the world to the cause. If it is done effectively, we can prevent crises, and Iraq-like wars, from arising. At the same time, it legitimizes the idea that, if all else fails, military action may be required. Its not war-mongering, but its not pacifist either.

The issue could be big in the presidential election. Senator Edwards, for example, is proposing a new agenda that's worth taking a look at.

See what you can find out about what agenda the other candidates, and the President, are offering to prevent the global spread of nukes---let us know. We'll try to keep tabs on this issue.


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