Saturday, January 31, 2004

NEWSWEEK: Young voters are Bush's Secret Weapon?

Here's the lede of the Newsweek article:

"Jan. 26 - Young voters are sharply divided on the economy, the Iraq war and overall approval of President George W. Bush’s job performance, according to an exclusive new NEWSWEEK poll conducted among young voters, the Newsweek Genext Poll. While the near-equal partisan divide among young voters mirrors the split between U.S. voters overall, the poll also suggests that on social issues like abortion and gay marriage, 18-29 year-olds are eager to move beyond the partisan battles of the past."

In 2000, Gore and Bush nearly split the youth vote. Gore won 48% to Bush's 46%.

That was a big win for Bush----his father lost the youth vote by 11% to Clinton. That's hundreds of thousands of additional votes.

But what's in the cards for 2004? Young voters seem split. Only 37% would definitely re-elect him, 34% would definitely vote against him and the rest are up for grabs.

So the question is, which candidate will fight hardest and offer the best agenda for the new generation's vote?


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