Wednesday, January 14, 2004

You only live once. Make it a long time.
The National Institute of Health, the country's official advisory group on health care issues, has issued a new report saying the government should commit itself to delivering universal health care by 2010.

Here's the lead from the Reuters article:


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saying 18,000 people die every year because they lack health insurance, federal advisers said on Wednesday the U.S. government must come up with universal health coverage by 2010.

The Institute of Medicine, an independent, non-profit group which advises Congress and the federal government on health matters, said taxpayers are paying for 43 million uninsured Americans anyway -- and footing a much bigger bill than they would if those people had decent health care.


Why does this matter to the new generation? Because young adults are twice as likely to be victimized by having now health insurance as older people. In fact, nearly one-third of the 46 million uninsured Americans are age 18-24!

Find out where the presidential candidates stand on this issue. Let us know what you think.

If you are a young person who does not have health insurance and you have a story to tell about it, let us know---send an email to the blog team.


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