Friday, February 20, 2004

"I hate the I-hate-gen-x site"

A reader sent in the following email. We intended to provoke a reaction---but did that site go too far? Certainly if there is anything anti-gay, you know we're not down with that. We'll check more closely next time.

In the interest of a good argument, here's the reader's comments, which we like.


This letter is regarding your link to the I hate gen-x
web site. I understand that you have printed not
responsible for content but ultimately putting the
link on your site makes you responsible. You are
providing this website with free advertisment. I
understand that you put this link here to encourage
young "gen-x" people to vote, out of anger I suppose.
I was angry after reading the content of this site.
It belittled the generation your site is trying to
reach. It not only belittled our actions (or lack
there of) it belittled our entertainment, our art,
what we wear, basically every aspect of our lives.
I AM a voter and have voted ever since I was 18. I am
active in politics, community, and education. I'm
also open minded to other people view points EXCEPT
when their view point is out of hatred and
misunderstanding. This website did nothing but anger
me and ultimately made me angry at your site for
including its link, why would you want to anger your
visitors. Isn't your goal to get people to vote
instead of pissing them off?

Also, I believe your site should be free from
political bias. Included in this I hate gen-x site
was a section on homosexuality, which I feel was
completly offensive, and I"m not even gay. I can't
imagine how someone who was gay would take this.

I think it would be better, as the rest of this site
has done, just to inform on why voting is so important
instead of making people angry.


Thanks Heather. :)


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