Thursday, February 12, 2004

Looking for stories about student voter intimidation/discouragement

We're looking for stories---we need your help!

The attempt to scare students from voting in Prairie View is not an isolated case. We hear frequently about how students are discouraged from voting by local officials. Sometimes it is the renegade actions of a particular candidate who knows that students will vote against her, so she institutes a disinformation campaign to convince students that they can't vote from campus.

Sometimes, as in the case of Prairie View, a district attorney will threaten to prosecute students who vote in a particular area if they are not residents, even though the law clearly says otherwise.

The fact is that if you declare a residence and you can prove it (i.e., an electric bill or an ID), then you are indeed a resident for the purpose of voting. You can't be prosecuted for anything.

SEND US YOUR STORIES. We need to accumulate them for our campaign to highlight student voter rights. Send them to the blog team.

Anything you know or have heard about.



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