Friday, March 12, 2004

250 million young voters

Rock the Vote is talking a lot about how we want to get 20 million young people out to vote on Election Day 2004. Its a message we share with MTV and other key partners.


We can get to 20 million. In 2000, there were about 18 million 18-30 year olds who voted. We want 2 million more in 2004. Its not an unheard of increase, particularly when you factor in demographic changes.

It expresses the power of the new generation. A lot of people think one vote may not make a difference. But 20 million votes----that's different! So this helps people feel like they are part of something.

It gets the politicians' attention. Sure, everyone has heard over and over, "young people don't vote." But the fact is that while young people have a lower rate of participation, they do vote in large numbers.

Well, in India, the world's largest democracy (which does not have a permanent seat on the U.N. security council---ridiculous), they have 250 million young voters.



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