Monday, March 08, 2004

Film Your Issue
This is really cool!!


We are inviting undergraduate students to create 30-second films -- live action or animation.

Homelessness, pollution, racism, sexism, animal rights, freedom of speech, gay marriage. Whatever burns for YOU.

We want bold, truthful, innovative. Make us laugh, cry, think, get angry, learn something.

We want your voice in the national dialogue of who and where we are as a country and culture.

Ten national finalists will be invited to Hollywood to meet leading film industry executives and agents in Hollywood at Dreamworks, CAA, Disney and elsewhere, and offered internships in media/entertainment organizations like Film Society at Lincoln Center, ChickFlicks Productions at New Line Cinema and Rhino Films.

We are in discussions to have the winning films shown on cable, theaters and internet.

The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2004.


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