Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage gets hearing in the Senate

Senator Wayne Allard of Colorado is leading the charge for the gay-marriage constitutional ban. He testifies before the Judiciary Committee today.

The good news is that the ban doesn't seem likely to pass. The bad news is that the people in charge up there are going forward because they think a public debate about gay marriage is good for their election prospects.

Personally, I'm not so sure. I think its going to cost them a lot of young voters.

Here's the Reuters story:

"President Bush, to the delight of his conservative base, favors passage of the election-year measure. But there seems to be little chance that it will pass.

Democrats as well as some Republicans on Capitol Hill have voiced reservations about tinkering with the Constitution. And members on both sides of the aisle have predicted supporters will fail to muster the needed two-thirds vote in both the Senate and House of Representatives to pass an amendment."

The constitution has served to expand equal rights to all the people--not take them away. We've still got a long way to go.


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