Saturday, March 20, 2004

Return of the culture wars, Part 1.

MTV News has a story about a protest against the reactionary crackdown on Howard Stern's radio show, and the FCC-spurred ban on the show by many radio stations. Note how the story mentions that Rock the Vote was on hand to register voters. :-)

Issues like this could easily come to dominate the national scene as the election develops. The culture wars are a consistent staple of politics.

So here's the question: whose culture is being attacked? Yours----ours? Is a culture of tolerance towards gays on same-sex marriage the same thing as youth culture? Is a culture of free expression on the airwaves, even if it occasionally results in a "wardrobe malfunction," the same thing as youth culture?

I think the new generation will answer that in the course of the election... the answer will be a determining factor in their politics.

And of course, a bunch of people will respond to this post by attacking us a "liberal." Even though the attacks against free expression and tolerance are being spearheaded by neanderthals on BOTH SIDES. We're against ALL of them.

The recent vote, for example, in the House of Representatives to raise the fines for indecency was overwhelming. Both Republicans and Democrats were for it.

Another question: Do these culture wars turn you off to politics, or do they get you riled up?


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