Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Join Rock the Vote's street team

Yesterday was Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry's. Ben & Jerry's has given out free ice cream one day a year for like the last 28 years. But this year they did it a little different; they asked us to come to the store and register voters.

Ben & Jerry's has more than 200 stores around the country, so as you can imagine, getting volunteers together and organized for all those stores is a logistical challenge, to say the least. Levin Sy, our field manager, Brandy Chappell and Aaron Teeter did a great job lining it all up.

We're still waiting on the registration numbers, but it looks like we rallied more than 1000 volunteers yesterday!

To get such an incredible number of volunteers, we drew on our street team. These are the folks that are active on the ground in their community, registering voters at concerts and events, cinco de mayo parades, pride marches, anywhere you find young people.

Join our street team today---find the button on our front page and get rolling!


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