Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Bill Gates Sr., Chuck Collins Call for Universal GI Bill

In an Op/Ed for the Houston Chronicle Bil Gates Sr. and Chuck Collins, the co-founder of United for Fair Economy and Responsible Wealth, write that the GI Bill passed after World War II laid the foundation for a strong middle class by sending many young Americans to college. This helped create a long economic boom in the fifties and sixties, generating wealth that lifted all boats-unlike what we have experienced in this country since the mid 1970s, when the folks at the top seem to reap most of the gains from economic growth. Gates and Collins argue that we need a universal GI Bill to ensure that our society is the best it can be and that our people are given the chance to live up to their potential.

"We propose the creation of a GI Bill for the next generation. A fund would provide grants for college and subsidized mortgages. It could be modeled after the "baby bond" program passed in Britain last year that creates a universal savings program for all citizens as they come of age. In this scheme, high school graduates are eligible for funds to open doors for higher education, homeownership and small business development ... A GI Bill for the next generation is the best way to honor the families who are serving in our military. But it should be a universal benefit, also providing opportunity for the next generation of teachers, nurses, firefighters and scientists."


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