Thursday, June 03, 2004

John Kerry: military needs 40,000 more troops

According to a Reuters article, Kerry is calling for an increase of 40,000 troops as part of his effort to transform the military.

He describes President Bush's policy of preventing current enlisted soldiers and particularly members of the national guard from completing their tour of duty (these involuntary extensions are termed "stop losses") a "back door draft."

We have to agree with that formulation. While these folks did sign up for the military in the first place, its clear that the Pentagon is breaking the agreement they made with them and requiring them to extend their tours of duty---even if they have families at home, etc.

At the same time, we think it is worth noting that increase in troop levels that Kerry is calling for.

How would he get 40,000 more people to join?

Could Bush do the same thing?


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