Monday, May 24, 2004

The youth vote is coming

Anyone who thinks that its impossible to get generation Y engaged in elections, or who personally does not believe that change can be made through the electoral process, needs to check out a new book from The League of Pissed Off Voters. The book How to Get Stupid White Men Out of Office, is all about young people who are not only using their own time, strategy and creativity to make a difference in their communities, but who through this experience have voluntarily converted to a new faith in the potential of the electoral process.

Billed as the anti-politics, unboring guide to power the book is a heady combination of heartfelt testimonial to community empowerment and a cold, hard war-plan to swing the 2004 elections. Although the authors have a clearly stated agenda, the book is inspirational reading for dreamers and planners of all political persuasions. And for politicians trying to speak the language of young, disillusioned voters, the book is simply instructional.

Of course, the title is sure to start controversy before you even crack the cover, but is this part of a useful strategy of provoking curiosity among young, non-voters? You be the judge. Bottom line is it is great to see activists embracing electoral politics and hopefully all parties will learn to reach out to this demographic of young people who are looking for a politician with enough fire and vision to match their own. The book is available directly from the League of Pissed Off Voters or at a bookstore near you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:03 AM  

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