Sunday, August 22, 2004

McClatchy News: Young voters trend towards Kerry

In the 2000 election, George W. Bush nearly split the youth vote with Al Gore. Al Gore won 18-29 year olds by a margin of 48-46, which really constituted a major victory for George Bush. In the previous two elections, Clinton had won young voters by 11 and 19 point margins respectively.

At this stage in the 2004 election, President Bush does not appear to be doing as well with young voters as he did in 2000. A number of news reports have come out in recent weeks about how young voters are moving towards Senator Kerry, by margins as large as 10 points or even 20 points in some polls.

Here's a story from McClatchy Newspapers about that phenomenon.

Its still early, no doubt. The President will have to wage a tough fight to win back this group---and it will be key to his reelection prospects.

Re-run the 2000 election and just give Gore the youth vote margin that Kerry now enjoys, and you have a dramatically different outcome.


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