Saturday, August 14, 2004

Imagine the Future
Dear Rock the Vote:

Imagine waking up the morning after Election Day…and something doesn’t feel right. The issues you care about were ignored. The candidates never even asked for your vote. Campaigns to register new voters and get them to the polls fell short. The voice of a new generation was never heard.

Imagine also that you could’ve done more.

Rock the Vote’s plan between now and November 2nd provides you an easy way to get involved. We don’t want anybody to feel let down after the election—so we’re going the distance with a new effort to register 200,000 voters in August.

We can do it. We did 115,000 in July—a new one-month Rock the Vote record.

But we can’t get the work done alone. Please take just one minute right now to help Rock the Vote by donating at the link below.

Already for this election, more than 520,000 people have used our online voter registration tool and Rock the Vote street teams have registered 45,000 on the ground. But we’re up against some big challenges. There are deadlines to register voters before Election Day in almost every state. They range from 30 days before Election Day until the actual day of voting in a few states. While the election is 82 days away we basically have 50 days to register voters.

So our work at Rock the Vote is on a tight deadline. We have teams of volunteers on the streets in 50 cities who are registering voters at clubs, concerts and elsewhere. We’re on the streets already and more is on the way.

Even with a volunteer army of people who give a sh*t, it takes the support of thousands of other people to make this happen. We’re forking over cash for clipboards, printing of special voter registration forms, postage, signs and all of the nitty-gritty it takes to make this happen. We’re finalizing our ad campaign for the fall. We are about to launch our fall bus tour.

What can you do to make a difference? With busy lives at work or school not everybody can be a street team member—but you can make a difference right now. We’re inviting you to donate to Rock the Vote. You can give as little or as much as you want (there is no limit). Is $15—the price of one CD—really too much to give when you think about what is at stake?

Please donate right now by clicking on the link below.

Let’s get it started right now.
Thanks for all you do.

See you in the streets,
Jehmu Greene


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