Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The Big 3 - (from yesterday!)

From now until Election Day, Rock the Vote’s New York office will be bringing you the top three stories of the day. Enjoy them if you must. So without further ado…

“The Big Three”
(7 days to the election!)

1. It’s time to believe our own hype: The youth vote is actually going to be the swing vote this year. With the race in a statistical dead heat among “registered” and “likely” voters, USA Today profiles the “X-factor” which will be new voters. These votes are not showing up in the polls (and we already know about the youth vote being difficult to survey due to their primary dependence on cell phones instead of land lines) – and in position to tip this race one way or the other.

Key graf: “Among people under 30, 58% of non-voters say they are highly motivated go to the polls now, as do 54% of voters ages 30-39. Younger voters have been targeted for turnout by interest groups, and college campuses have been the scene of heavy political activity this year. But younger people traditionally have voted at much lower levels than older voters. Those under 30 made up just 15% of the electorate in 2000, a modern-day low.”

2. As if we needed yet another symbol of the pivotal nature of this election…Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist has been hospitalized for treatment for thyroid cancer, and has undergone a tracheotomy. Rehnquist’s health may become a serious issue during the next four years (if not the next four days), marking him as yet another vacancy that may be created on the court during the next four years. Justice Rehnquist Other Justices have already made their intentions of an imminent retirement known. For news. For analysis. For You.

3. And for the story that showed up Monday and should be here to stay for a couple of days (an eternity within the hyper-space news cycle of the last week of an election), the winner is: the escaped explosive materials in Iraq. No matter who you believe over who’s responsible for this story, or if you believe it should be – you can expect it to dominate the back-and-forth over the “national security” portion of the debate. This, incidentally, has led to a tangential process story regarding campaign strategy: Bush’s pre-planned and shaped message vs. Kerry’s “news-of-the-day” approach. Stay tuned to see which one worked better!

PS - ok people, this was supposed to come out yesterday, but we were too busy watching re-runs of "The Real World" to put it up. Sorry, but have you seen that house?? Stay tuned for today's ASAP. Do you love it?
-Aaron Coles


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