Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Let the Haters Hate, and the Players Play...

The draft subject has definitely been a touchy one for many of you – resulting in a blog inbox full of all sorts of new curse words. (Thanks Drudge and Free Republic!!) But we much prefer people who want to take the time out of their schedule to come by and share their thoughts with us. On Friday, the California College Republicans attempted to do just that. However, in this case, they chose to gather outside MTV’s LA office – which was a mistake.

And did you know—ROCK THE VOTE IS NOT OWNED BY MTV! (Pssssst! We’re across town!) That’s some good fact-checkin’ there guys…

We’ve mentioned this before. MTV’s voter initiative is called “Choose or Lose.” We’re sure you’ve seen the nifty commercials. We’re big fans of MTV, and we watch it constantly (that Gideon is sooooooo cute!). Heck, they even let us park our bus in their lot sometimes. But we are responsible for our own content. Not them. So if you’re gonna hate us, make sure you hate the right people. At the right address.

And then vote!

In all seriousness, the problem of falling military recruitment and retention will face whoever is elected president. We’d just like both campaigns to move past the campaign rhetoric and discuss some specifics of how they could prevent a draft from happening in the event of a national crisis or future military conflict. Anyone can promise there won’t be a draft (and both sides do!) but no one has adequately addressed the problem. So we’ll continue to harp on the subject until they do. But we harp with love…
-Aaron Coles


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i think that these haters shoul dhate on us players and we players should be playin so gone do what you do and if you a hater hate but...if you a player player iight peace out!!!

5:03 PM  

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