Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Draft Issue Gains Momentum

The draft issue is more than rumors on the Internet(s).

As the media begins to actually dig into an issue that it has largely ignored throughout the year, awareness is growing that, regardless of political unpopularity, the draft deserves more attention.

Check out this new Time magazine piece for a very comprehensive overview of the draft issue from all sides. Everyone from draft-age young men and women to experienced military experts see, at the very least, that a draft is indeed a possibility.

The article brings up a Pentagon fallback plan to increase the financial incentives for enlisting, with some rewards reaching as high as $40,000 for special-op fighters. Realistically, that seems like where we are headed.

This is a good example of something that we think needs public discussion in this presidential race. How long could we keep up incentive-based recruiting? And at what point does fairness come into play? To put it bluntly, are these really “volunteers” in the sense of the word that both candidates use on the stump, that the military leaders use in the press conferences?

Do yourself a favor and read the Time magazine article.


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