Thursday, April 21, 2005

Angry Old Man

There's something I have to report from last week's hearing at the House Financial Services Committee. Former Senator Alan Simpson was on the first panel. I've always admired him---he's a congenial but visceral advocate for his views. Just my style.

But I have never witnessed such a display of Angry Old Man as that day. Simpson said that anyone who doesn't support his views on the future of Social Security is "sick...grotesque". When former Rep. Barbara Kennelly said that seniors today don't care if politicians promise they won't cut current benefits---because they oppose privatization for their grandkids---Simpson angrily replied that these people "don't care" about their kids or grandkids, that they're too busy wearing their jeans around their ankles and listening to "Snoopy snoop poopy dogg" for anyone to care about them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's right. If our generation would start paying attention, they wouldn't be so easily misled by sites like this

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

c'mon guys....rock the vote is THE voice of the youth. Cant you see that?? Thats why theyre teaming up with the AARP. The other voice of americas youth..... eeesh.

10:24 PM  

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