Friday, May 27, 2005

Dream team for 2008? If John McCain and Hillary Clinton won their party nominations to run for president, that would be pretty much a dream scenario as far as getting young people engaged. What other (realistic) matchups would be good?

P.S., of course, this is not an endorsement of any candidate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idea of a political dream team as an avenue to engage young voters is alluring as it is dangerous. We cannot fall prey to the appearance of our candidates and not reflect on the message their actions send. Even though this pairing has potential and stands a chance of being able to brand themselves as individuals not as the philosophical opposite of their oppenents... Question, which one gets the Presidential spot?

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll stay home in '08 if McCain is nominated.

And I'll encourage other young people to do the same.

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"P.S., of course, this is not an endorsement of any candidate."

Yeah, like we really needed you to point out who you would endorse, Hans- I think anyone with any common sense here clearly knows who you'd be voting for.

And that, of course, would give people a great starting point- whatever Hans is against must be the right decision. Such is the way partisan hacks operate.

11:57 PM  
Blogger En English, Sil Vous Plait said...

What makes you think that it would be a "dream scenario as far as getting young people engaged"? You think I wanna vote for a couple of old farts whose activities date back to the Vietnam War? Give me someone who is barely legal for presidency, like 35 or 36 (who was born during the Vietnam War), and maybe young people will be "engaged".

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with that age discrimination again?

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that if McCain were to run you could defenitly get the vote out in northern califorina. A republican with slightly liberal veiws. NO doubt he could get some votes here. I don't think the GOPs will give him the nomination though so we are really discussing nothing.

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like a nightmare to me! Hillary Clinton really needs to stay where she is! Just the thought of the Clintons in the White House again is so distasteful...I never thought they would leave! They hung around kissing everyone goodbye for sooooooo long! Imagining Bill Clinton as "First Lady" is not the most pleasent thought either! Hillary needs to stay hime with Bill and take care of his needs.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that the idea of a political dream team is dangerous. Intelligence in the voting process, on ALL issues is important, not single issues or appearance or personality. What the individual REALLY stands for and what they will REALLY support is important. Currently, I see what Hillary Clinton says is not what she REALLY stands for. That to me is not only dishonest, but dangerous for Amerida. Earl Steffes, PhD

12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that you would provide a hyperlink to H(B)illary, but not to John McCain...but, that being said, your P.S. is most interesting and telling..."P.S., of course, this is not an endorsement of any candidate."

If you are not endorsing either candidate, why the disclaimer? I sincerely hope folks here can see through the MSM type-hype you have just written.


P.S. Personally, I would prefer a full disclosure that "I support (insert name here)" rather than that spineless, weak willed 'disclosure' you spout.

10:28 PM  

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