Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Is privatizing Social Security a win for Republicans politically even if they fail to get the policy enacted? The Baltimore Sun explores that question, with a focus on young people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could only imagine what the Baltimore Sun has to say, especially if Hans was willing to link it to this blog. I think I will forgoe reading the propaganda. Hans, why don't you link something with an opposing point of view to yours? There is plenty of opposing views. We then could make an educated decision about the issue. I guess PROPAGANDA doesn't work that way.

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Republicans don't need Social Security reform to get young people on their side.

All they need is political prostitutes like Hans Reimer to continue to show how blatantly partisan Rock the Vote is; that, in itself, destroys RTV's credibility, thus pushing young people to finally think for themselves.

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go on and read the article, its a decent read, but Hans linked to it because of the following paragraph:

"They have a 'we can win even if we lose' mind-set," said Hans Riemer, political director for Rock the Vote, a group that works to get young people involved in civic life. "I don't think it's working. The plan is tanking among young people as well as overall."

Hans doesn't think its working and that young people aren't interested in private investment... too bad he doesn't read his own blog comments.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think the Bush adminsitration has the younger population on their side on a lot of issues. Adopting the SS reforms would mean our generation would have to pay it later anyways.

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adopting no reform means we'd be paying it now AND later.

Pick your poison, guy.

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soc. Sec. PAY MORE and GET LESS!... What a way to plan for your retirement! The Gov. guarantees you will pay more and get less for your retirement. Let's see? Shall we eat or shall we have heat? That will be the choice for many people who have worked hard all there lives and rely on Soc.Sec. for retirement!...What it should be called is Social Insecurity!...Our future generations deserve better!

1:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just give people a choice. That's all the reformers are asking. Choice plays well with everyone, especially younger people.

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have done research on privatizing social security, here are some number I have founded that could change your mind on this topic. If a person earning only an annual salary of $20,000 over 40 years would retire with $383,032 in a personal account. Each month they would receive $2,740 each month at the current interest rates, where as under the current social security system this person would only get a check for $775 each month. And if you earned an annual salary of $50,000 over 40 years, you would retire with $956,303 in a private account, and would receive $6,843 per month. Where as under the current social security the same person would only receive a monthly check for only $1,302.

So can anyone tell me in there right mind they would not what to change the current social security.. I don't think so. But if you don't what to change the system, I guess my favorite talk show host is right, LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER.....

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will is absolutely right. Give people a choice.

If those of you on the left are so scared about investing, don't invest. It's that simple. Give me my choice to invest, and if I lose money, well that sucks for me, but I'm going to have to live with it.

I blew all the money in my wallet in Vegas last weekend. You don't see me crying about how the government owes me money, do you? I screwed up, I live with the consequences.

Leftists are trying to "protect" people who don't want their protection- nor do these people want to be ripped off by the left's arcane policies.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey RTV liberal folks,

Have you ever heard of this:

Personal and fiscal responsibility?

Gee...what a novel idea...you should try it...it works!:)


10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you that there need to be some changes and improvements made to the SS system. However, I also think that we should look at some more options before making a choice. I don't mean dragging the debate out for years. Just looking at some suggestions like raising the cap on taxable income and perhaps cutting some benefits.

I know that I won't get 100% back from what I'm putting into SS now. But I will still get a decent return AND I don't mind some of my money going to people who are more in need of it than I am. that's also a responsibility of being in a growing democracy like the US. We need to have safety nets for our citizens.

Plus, I currently invest in a 401K. I have a as much "choice" as I want there. And I'm choosing investments that I want. Not several that have been selected by the government. I don't know how much "choice" personal accounts will actually allow us. Why not make more incentives for companies to provide all employees with 401Ks?

8:31 PM  

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