Monday, June 27, 2005

We're Making a Difference

The Washington Post acknowledged today what all of us here in the blogosphere have know for a while: we are influencing the main stream media.

For decades, the establishment media were like a walled village, largely insulated from the outside world. But technology has produced so many cracks in the wall that previously ignored stories can seep in – sometimes in a trickle, sometimes a flood – when partisans and pressure groups make enough waves.

In the old days, writes New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen, “if the press ruled against you, you just weren’t news.” Now, he says, aggrieved parties “go into Supreme News Court and say ‘The press denied us, but we have a case.’”

We put the Downing Street Memo in the news. We made Senator Durbin apologize. We are being heard and we now have the power. So whether you have your own website, post comments, or just log on to read a different perspective realize that we are making a difference and your voice is being heard.

Note: Article is not linked because it is not posted at but it can be found on page C1 of the June 27th issue.

Posted By Sam Buffone, RTV Intern


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's too bad considering how butt wrong you are on socialist insecurity, Hans.

P.S. Thanks for the heads up on pentagon fascism tho. Is there any way to opt out of their data mining?

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's this "we" business? This is really on the margins of what I consider a blog.

1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, this is hardly a blog.

4:00 PM  

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