Thursday, July 14, 2005

A fascinating article called an Army of (No) One about the military's increasingly sophisticated use of the internet to spur recruitment.

Are you worried about the Pentagon collecting data on you and your peers in order to precision market, or is this just business as usual?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God forbid that the government actually collects the information necessary to do its job efficiently. Holy smokes, a database! Of course, Rock the Vote did ask for my name and zip code when I entered the site. I wonder what they’re going to use that information for.

In any case, God forbid that the government use techniques mastered by MTV to sell chips, zit medicine, and records; the Democratic Party to sells its vision of the political good; Fenton Communications and to convince voters to see things their way; and to push its partisan agenda, to sell it’s “product”. If ever more sophisticated advertising and outreach work for you, why can’t they work for the Army and Marine Corp?

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better to have the government call you for something you might actually be interested in, than to have them waste your time by recruiting you for things you have no ability or interest in doing.

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better to have the government call you for something you might actually be interested in, than to have them waste your time by recruiting you for things you have no ability or interest in doing.

If I wanted to join the army, I'd call them.

But the real root cause of this problem is how government so frequently demands our personal info in the name of "national security" when it's really all about controlling people, like by harqassing young people for military service.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you send in your tax info to the IRS every year don't you? That has more information given to the government than the military has.

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys, they're buying your information from commercial marketing databases that probably have 99% false information about you. This is information that's collected when you don't even expect it. When you signed up for that "Who's Who in American High Schools" list, did you really think it was because you're a model student? Actually, the company behind that list compiles the information and sells the list for big bucks to anyone and everyone who's clamoring to offer you all sorts of products and services that you very likely don't want or need.

Amazon and Ticketmaster haven't even come CLOSE to creating a decent profile of me based on my past purchases. Is the Army going to magically score better results using the same information?

3:25 PM  

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