Thursday, July 07, 2005

Lil' Kim is heading to the Big House, having been sentenced to jail for perjury. So soon after she registered to vote with Rock the Vote, she's going to lose her right to least until she completes her sentence (including probation).

NOTE: The last version of this entry was a unclear about when or how Lil' Kim might get to vote again. Updated to make it more clear.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Bush:

THE PRESIDENT: We are fighting these terrorists with our military in Afghanistan and Iraq and beyond so we do not have to face them in the streets of our own cities.

Well, that didn't work out quite as planned, did it?

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, while I'm ambivalent about exactly what I think about felons voting rights, clearly trying to link this to rosa parks and the 60's civil rights movement is ridiculous.

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that has to do with criminals voting in what way erik?

I'll post this again since Hans split the post up:

Lil Kim should not be given the right to vote after becoming a convicted felon. She LIED and committed perjury in front of a Grand Jury to protect friends who were involved in a PUBLIC SHOOT OUT. This is not something to be shooed away like some poor kid with a single joint, this is a serious charge and those she covered for were being pursued because they used a deadly weapon in public. Why should I care about her voting rights if she doesn't respect the rule of law in the first place?

12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erik, I believe that attack was in the streets of London, not the US. Do you need me to post a map for you?

Anway, keep cheering for the bad guys. That's what libs are left with. Can't win on ideas, so you have to hope the terrorist make Bush look bad. What a hopeless state you guys are in.

7:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that liberal weinies like erik (Who most likely live in a dorm room or their mother's basement)equate the London bombing to a failure by the current administration. Desperate Liberals grasping at straws, it's pathetic.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently Hans thinks they will be much better off if the liberals can get 5 million felons to help them vote on issues.

While your at it why don't you find some crack addict to manage your bank account.

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erik, I believe that attack was in the streets of London, not the US. Do you need me to post a map for you?

Anyway, keep cheering for the bad guys. That's what libs are left with. Can't win on ideas, so you have to hope the terrorist make Bush look bad. What a hopeless state you guys are in.

I think his point is still relevant if this was an al-Qaida attack (which we don't know yet.) If everyone weren't too busy taking partisan swipes at each other here, you'd all see that

1) The question of whether taking "the battle" to "them" has actually reduced terror attacks on americans and the world is a very pertinent one, since ultimately our foreign policy's success should be judged in part on how safe it makes Americans

2) Arguing that the London attack shows the policy to have failed in making Americans safer is fairly ridiculous in that you don't have basis for comparison with how events would have played out had we done nothing (particularly since we don't even know who really did this anyway.)

So in short, everyone just grow up.

4:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Noid character is awesome...
and Hans is terrible

10:39 PM  

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