Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Peter Jennings, ABC News Anchor, Dies at 67

Peter Jennings, along with his nightly news counterparts, Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather, was the news source for the Rock the Vote generation. Before many of us could read, Mr. Jennings told us about parts of the world we’d never seen as we helped our parents make dinner every night.

The New York Times writes:
For more than two decades, the magnitude of a news event could be measured, at least in part, by whether Mr. Jennings and his counterparts on the other two networks showed up on the scene. Indeed, they logged so many miles over so many years in so many trench coats and flak jackets that they effectively acted as bookends on some of the biggest running stories of modern times.
From the fall of the Berlin Wall to the more than 60 hours he spent on air during 9/11 and the days immediately following, Jennings was there to inform and educate our generation in our most hopeful of times and in our darkest hours. He has been a fixture in our homes for most of our lives and he will be sadly missed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jennings was, far and away, the best anchor of the broadcast network news shows. Rather was unbelievably biased, though funny at times, and I was never really impressed with Brokaw. Jennings, however, was distinctly unbiased and presented everything perfectly. I think 9/11 was his best day, I left ABC on the whole time. It is unfortunate how he ended up resuming smoking again that day, but it shows that he really was hit hard by what happened.

While I don't agree with Jennings's personal politics (he tends to lean to the left), he kept those said politics out of his job, and kept things unbiased like reporters should do. The journalism industry could learn a lot from him; I may be on opposite political sides from Jennings, but I respect him no less because of it. He did his job and he did it right.

1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is now that the last of the great television journalism triumvulate is no longer reporting. Thank you Peter, for everything you did.

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have lost a compassionate and eloquent journalist. I grew up with Peter Jennings and I trusted him even if I sometimes disagreed with his commentary. I cannot imagine the hours must have worked - his research was so very thorough. He will be with us still.

8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Learn more about Peter Jennings:


News should not be biased btw.

2:14 PM  

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