Tuesday, August 02, 2005

An Iraq War Veteran in Congress?

It’s Election Day in Ohio’s 2nd District! The contenders for the open Congressional seat: Jean Schmidt, a Republican and Paul Hackett, a Democrat. While Schmidt is heavily favored in this extremely conservative district, her opponent is giving her a real run for her money. Hackett's selling point: he is an Iraq war veteran. If elected, he would become the first former Iraq soldier to serve in Congress. Despite his appeal most do not expect Hackett to beat the numbers in the 2nd District, one of the most conservative in the country. Pundits will consider this one a victory for Hackett and the Democrats if he manages to lose by a small margin, which would be a publicity nightmare for Schmidt even if she ends up winning the election. Stayed tuned for the results later this evening!

--Posted by Nicole Brown


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Nicole. I can almost feel your excitement through my computer. Is this suppose to be a non-partisan website?

After you whipen away the drool coming out the side of your mouth, you will still be left with a lost to a republican. Is this the best liberals can hope for? Libs consider a lost a win? I'm confused, but I guess if I were a lib and couldn't win an election, I guess I would change my criteria for winning too. Mighty low expectations, though.

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. I hadn't really thought about it but I guess crock the vote probably is supposed to be a non-partisan site. Does anyone know if CRock The Vote is a non-profit org that is required not to endorse parties or candidates? I think they've violated that requirement if that's the case.

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Rock the Vote is registered as a 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 group and has a three-person Washington staff."

National Journal's Congress Daily: Youth Groups Skirmish Over Social Security Overhaul Plans

Apparently RTV is violating quite a bit of their 501(c)(3) status: FAQ's - 501(c)(3) Status

"Rock the Vote is a non-profit, non-partisan organization, founded in 1990 in response to a wave of attacks on freedom of speech and artistic expression."

About Rock the Vote

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah,someone else noticed. I've been mulling over filing a complaint about their political activities for quite a while.

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A publicity nightmare even if she wins? This website is out of control. What about the publicity nightmare the libs face for not winning elections?

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Nicole is going to be quite disappointed now that Hackett lost the race.

Man, that's really got to suck for Rock the Vote. They threw their backing behind Hackett, so did Daily Kos and the liberal blogs, Howard Dean and James Carville were over there too- while the President and national GOP didn't even get involved. What happened? Schmidt STILL wins. And she even won by winning the urban counties while losing the rural ones.

Hackett practically ran as a Republican in this election- meanwhile, the hard right base in that district was pretty split up because of the 10-man GOP primary that had taken place. Schmidt voted for Gov Bob Taft's tax hike, which killed her popularity, and despite that, she STILL won...using MODERATE GOP votes from the urban areas no less.

Poor, poor Nicole. It's ok, I'm sure you'll work yourself up tomorrow by writing another post about how "almost" winning means that you won. Hilarious.

Hey! I have an idea. You should ask for a recount! DO IT!

"Nonpartisan" organization....hahahahahahhh!

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah,someone else noticed. I've been mulling over filing a complaint about their political activities for quite a while.

You should. I'm sure there are plenty who would want to help out with it. Start a site and a movement. It shouldn't be too hard to file an official complaint against such blatant partisans like RTV.

11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOORAY!!!! We almost won, I mean Hackett almost won. What a victory for the liberal movement. Time for all liberals to go to Disney World to celebrate this unbelievable victory. This day will go down in history for libs. Wow, what a day.

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GLORIOUS VICTORY for the liberals!

Instead of losing....they lost.

Oh wait a second..

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in the area this campaign took place in. I saw many of this guys commercials. The sad thing is he never once said what he stood for. His commercials only said he was a vet and he supports his marines. One of them even opened with GWB talking to a group of marines. The only reason this guy even came close is that he pretended to be a conservative.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, an ACLU supporter. Someone else who believes NAMBLA, North American Man-Boy Love Association, has a right to distribute materials that explains how to rape young boys. NAMBLA also has a guide of how to defend yourself if caught raping a young boy. The ACLU believes that this organization has a right to distribute this material under the 1st amendment and has provided council to this organization.

What a crock!!! Screw the ACLU

5:31 PM  

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