Monday, November 21, 2005

Check out Student Debt for the student debt "facebook" and other funs ways to highlight the hard times and help build pressure for change.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure I understand the point of that website. Students who attend college have debt, okay, and why is this in need of some action group to point out what should be rather obvious. This is like some organization being started to point out the trend of Americans having credit card debt.

No one forced you to take out a college loan and no one forced you to go to a college you couldn't afford. If you want a good education you have to pay for it, sorry; but crying about it won't win over any sympathy points with most people in the real world who have mortgages, car loans, children to pay for and their own debt to manage.

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a similar site that I came accross which takes an interesting unconventional approach to student poverty:

3:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Student debt is part of a conspiracy to control people.

After the activism of the late 60s and 70s, it was decided to re-work how universities operated to put students under ever more pressure to ‘conform’.

Check out Noam Chomskys words in this radical tune on the subject…..

9:43 AM  

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