Wednesday, November 09, 2005

There is a whole lot of election news out there, so here's just one tidbit related to younger voters: the re-election of Detroit's Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Its quite an upset since Kilpatrick's opponent, Hendrix, was supposedly leading by large margins in the polls.

Hendrix, according to Tuesday's poll results, had a strong showing among absentee voters, as well as whites and people older than 40. Kilpatrick's strength came from younger voters, the poll found. He also was favored by black voters.

The mayor's youth -- he became Detroit's youngest elected mayor at 31 -- also seemed to be a factor in his surge. Supporters and voters said his mistakes were the result of inexperience and were not worth turning Kilpatrick out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You just helped re-elect the most corrupt Mayor in America.

I hope you're happy.

2:48 PM  

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