Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A fluke or a trend? A paper in San Diego has a great story about how the surging interest in politics among younger adults may be the reversal of a long-term trend, and not just a temporary blip (as in 1992, when youth voting also surged). What do you think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need them involved to fix the social security issue. If we don't build personal accounts or accountability into the system it is doomed to collapse. Alan Greenspan once again sounded the alarm today but once again democrats will hide from the issue instead of addressing it. You would think RTV would be more concerned about the future of thier constituents.

AP Economics Writer
WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned Friday of possible severe consequences to the economy if policy-makers do not attack federal budget deficits projected to soar with baby boomer retirements. Greenspan said it was likely that Congress will have to make "significant adjustments" in reducing benefits to future retirees. He said it appears the country has promised more than it can afford to deliver in Social Security and especially Medicare payments, given that health care costs have been exploding…
Greenspan used one of his final speeches of his long tenure as Fed chairman to return to themes he has been emphasizing with increased urgency over the past two years _ that the looming retirement of 78 million baby boomers will put severe strains on the country's finances and without changes could disrupt the economy by driving up interest rates from the increased government borrowing...
"In the end," he warned, "the consequences for the U.S. economy of doing nothing could be severe."

10:52 AM  

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