Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Progressive think tank promotes Millenial Generation: The New Democrat Network has an (obviously) partisan take on why “This Millennial Generation is absolutely vital to any long-term progressive coalition and should be central to any progressive political strategy. Their sheer numbers represent 25 percent of the population, and their political allegiances are unformed and unclaimed. Yet they show many signs of leaning toward a progressive set of values and worldview.”


Blogger Donkey Patrol said...

Progressive ideals and worldviews? Vital to leftist political campaigns? Unclaimed political stances? Hmmm those millennials look like they could be the prime targets for a thinly veiled Democratic vote getting machine! Maybe if someone hosts concerts, celebrity infested fesitvals, pop-idol PSA's and raucous demonstrations on college campuses throughout the country these millennials could be swayed towards a leftist agenda. Now where on earth could I find an organization like that?! Rock the Vote, can you help me out here?

5:04 PM  

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