Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Kinky Friedman reaches out to young voters in his race for Texas governor, saying, "Young people are the key to this election":

If Monday's audience at The University of Texas at Tyler didn't look like the typical turnout for a political rally, independent candidate for governor Kinky Friedman didn't mind.

He says the Republicans and Democrats can have the 29 percent of registered voters who turned out for the last gubernatorial election. He'll take the other 71 percent, who are disaffected and disgusted with the present system, he says.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

spread the word. read the constitution. remember your civil liberties?

domestic wiretapping-----without a warrant, is a violation of them.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

Here's a hint: if your phone calls are to a member of an organization that has publicly pledged to bring down America, matters of national security need no warrants.

So unless you count Al Quaida as your drinking buddies, there has never been any wiretap of any American without a warrant.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Donkey Patrol said...

I love rock the vote.

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinky Friedman is a joke. He makes colleges pay him to speak to their students.

He is making a mockery of this election. id you read the article? I found this quote particularly offensive:

"I can't balance a checkbook. I may be the only Jew in Texas who can't. But because I'm a Jew, I'll hire good people," he said.

The only real Independent with a chance to help take back Texas is Carole Strayhorn.

Kinky may have had a few students show up in Tyler, but Carole Strayhorn is attracting hundreds of young people everywhere she goes...and she doesn't make them pay to hear her speak.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinky Friedman voted for Bush not once, but TWICE. Check yourselves.

Let's prey on the young & dumb...

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like the web site

11:24 PM  

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