Thursday, May 25, 2006

Young Adults without health care: The Commonwealth Fund has updated their study on the growing crisis of young people going without health insurance. From the overview:
Young adults (ages 19 to 29) are one of the largest and fastest-growing segments of the U.S. population without health insurance: 13.7 million lacked coverage in 2004, an increase of 2.5 million since 2000. Young adults often lose coverage under their parents' policies, Medicaid, or the State Children's Health Insurance Program at age 19, or when they graduate from high school or college. Nearly two of five college graduates and one-half of high school graduates who do not go on to college will be uninsured for a period during the first year after graduation. Three policy changes could extend coverage to uninsured young adults and prevent others from losing it: extending eligibility for Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program beyond age 18; extending eligibility for dependents under private coverage beyond age 18 or 19 regardless of student status; and ensuring that colleges and universities require full- and part-time students to have insurance, and that they offer coverage to both.

Read the study and take action! There is a growing movement to address this issue at the state level and you can get involved.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or you can just treat the 18+ year olds like adults and tell them to either get a job to pay for their health insurance or take the risk without it instead of acting like these "young adults" are completely incapable of providing for themselves and requiring the government, their university and/or the tax payers to help pick up their tab.

Then again, that would require our peers to learn how the real world works and we can't have that when College is suppose to be about having fun! So, screw personal responsibility... where do I sign up to be on the public dole?

4:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm 19 and I have never had health insurance, my parents always had jobs but not enough to pay for my insurance or my little brothers. Since both my parents worked we as a faimly made too much money to qualify for medical or health faimlies health care. Now that I am an ADULT I have a job and I still don't have money for health insurance, no instead I pay for college, rent, and all the other bills that college students have so how do I not live in the real world?? I'm not saying tax payers should pay for my health insurcance but I understand completely where the system is unfair.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not to poke holes in your post but the majority of employers offer low cost health insurance for dependents on their plan. Hard to believe that both of your parents are working without access to cheap healthcare for you or your siblings. Also, your comment about them making too much money to qualify for family health care, doesn't sound like they are incapable of purchasing a separate policy for you or your brothers/sisters. Also supported by your other comment about how your paying for your college.

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an older adult with no health insurance, annonymous is accurate. Have you looked at the cost of health insurance? For my husband and I to have coverage through his job (read "discounted") it was almost $400 a month...when he was being paid $9.00 an hour and getting only 40 hours a week. It meant a take home weekly pay of $228. Our mortgage is $575 a month. This "good" policy had $500 per person deductibles that had to met before anything would be covered. I pay out about that in one year for doctor visits and why pay $400 a month to the insurance company? We don't need government insurance, we need the insurance companies to quit gouging companies and individuals.

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He might want to explore a different employer as mine costs all of $43 per pay for decent coverage.

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But while conservatives would like to blame the “irresponsibility” of young adults and others who choose not to purchase insurance, the reality is no affordable options exist. In 2004, job-based health insurance premiums reached an average of $3,695 annually for individual coverage ($308 per month). If you can’t get insurance through your job, most people turn to individual insurance. It may look affordable, but it often provides less protection with a hefty price tag. For example, Tonik, Blue Cross of California’s new health insurance plan marketed to young adults, offers an ‘affordable’ option with monthly premiums of $64, $73, or $80. However, these premiums are coupled with incredibly high deductibles of $1,500, $3,000 or $5,000, depending on the plan. In other words, the insurance company won’t cover a penny of your health care bills until you have paid thousands of dollars – on top of your monthly premiums! For the vast majority of young adults, these plans are simply unaffordable.

Conservatives are offering no real solutions. Instead, they are talking about health savings accounts, another scheme which favors the healthy and wealthy and leaves the working poor and chronically ill to carry a greater financial burden.

There is another way. The Center for American Progress has a bold but practical proposal to guarantee an American right to affordable, quality health coverage.
Go to this website:

One last thing:
Sean, real adults base opinions, perceptions, and viewpoints on what we call objective observation and reseoning skills.

You may want to invest in learning about this method.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"One last thing:
Sean, real adults base opinions, perceptions, and viewpoints on what we call objective observation and reseoning skills.

You may want to invest in learning about this method."

Learned it, living it, thank you.

People bemoan the cost of health insurance, but forget a few small points. First, insurance is there for when the unthinkable happens, say a car accident that requires you to have emergency surgery and a week's hospital stay, not for the times where you need a medical opinion on the latest bug going around, or a flu shot. Second, if you want to know the real culprits in high insurance costs, look at congress and their crazy mandatory coverages et al they placed on insurance companies. Insurance plans aren't like cable packages, its not ala cart, and the reason is Congress.

Want to start getting lower insurance costs? Raise hell about choice in insurance plans.

BTW I pay $519 a month for health insurance for my wife and newborn, and about $250 a month for myself through self employment insurance. Two separate plans and both cover nearly all of our medical bills (if you think a $500 deductible is ridiculous, try having a kid, you'll burn through that with the first series of shots... unless you're dishonest and have the government pick up that tab).

1:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice site

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a constituional republic, America doesn't have any more room left to fall for another pillar in Marx's recipe for disaster. Six of the ten keys to the Communist Manifesto already exist in here. If you're so concered about your health care, Canada is just a few blocks north. Please, don't ruin the democracy and freedom we have left today for those who cherish and appreciate the lives lost over the centuries so we may have it. Thank you.


3:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best site

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see some statistics of people who could actually afford health insurance, but prefer 180 channels of satellite TV and three cars.

I'm often amazed to read how people made too much to qualify for welfare, but not enough to buy insurance. Unemployment is low enough so that you should be able to get a job that offers health insurance. If not, get a second part time job to pay for it perhaps?

And what are the statistics that say 18-29 year olds are in ill health? What percentage actually need and use health insurance?

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best site

3:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good site

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice site

3:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best site

2:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

goodf site

11:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, if we only just blindly followed Hillary Clinton, and made everyone pay for universal health care, why that would be perfect, so the lazy, pot smoking hacks behind this blog could lay around and do nothing.

Grow up.

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This place reeks of Al Franken and patchouli. Let's see, I'm a young adult... and I have health insurance. How did I do it? Well I worked hard and got a job with an employer who provides such benefits. Even TGI Friday's offers their servers health insurance. Sheesh, no one has a gun to your head telling you where to work it's a free country.

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me guess. You want the rest of us to pay for your healthcare so you can sit around and smoke your crack. Right?

Amazing. They tried this in acouple of other countries and it seems to me it failed.

Get a job and get your own healthcare.

2:45 AM  
Blogger brenda said...

Anonymous you sound a little miffed are you a little irritated because your party maybe losing... It's okay why dont you try smoking a little yourself I think you could use a little peace in your life. If your waiting for George the flip-flop Bush to give it to you. You could always just stay the course!

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no abblas spanhou???

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6:00 PM  

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