Friday, April 28, 2006

A great story on the evolution of using mobile phones for marketing and politics, mentioning the survey that we conducted with Zogby International in October of 2004 of cell phone only users.

During the 04 election there was a lot of hype about how polls were unable to reach people, particularly young people, who don't have land lines. Its a growing demographic.

The unknown and still unanswered question is whether the population of people who don't have land lines think or act differently than those who do have them. I'd say the jury is still out on that, but it is possible. But is it an urban/rural split? A suburban/urban split? Not necessarily, in my mind...

But it was a great poll and it was part of our huge mobile voting campaign in 2004. We signed up 120,000 people for our text message campaign and registered thousands of voters.

The poll showed relatively similar results for young mobile voters and young people generally...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a young adult that still has not registered to vote, i think this is a very smart way to reach young people who don't have land lines. Virtually everyone has a cell phone these days, and the amount of time teenagers spend on their celll phones is unbelievable. I think it's only fair to have this option avaible for cell phone users without land lines. Put it this way, it cant hurt!

12:10 AM  

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