Monday, September 25, 2006

Why get involved? Following is a snippet from an email I received from an amazing volunteer who is on the ground in New York. She is the lead singer in her own band and is organizing all the high schools and colleges in the area to promote voter registration through Rock the Vote. She writes:

I have my own reasons. I have a three year old that needed surgery during a time when I had no insurance. The bills came and came, and now my credit is shot. I also ended up with a problem pregnancy with him, and ended up having to leave school, sticking me with thousands in student loans. One of my best friends joined the Marines for school aid, the war broke out, he spent 10 months in Fallujah on the front line, then he was sent to New Orleans to protect the Red Cross, and scoop out dead bodies. At 22 years old.

Rock the Vote Blog